Shortlist right investors
Our investor database has curated list of the best and most active seed to series C investors so you can find the right partner for your startup. We have 91K verified funds and investors with contact details. Based on your industry , past investor success, and investor portfolio, we create the best matching investors.
Fundraising Campagin
We’ve been involved in the investor deck writing and design of over 100+ startups and companies we’ve worked with have raised more than $50 million combined. These are some of their experiences:
Our pitch deck helped Honeybi raise $400,000
Our Pitch Deck helped Ai logistix simplifying their communication strategy
Raised $1M with pitch deck & fundraising materials
How our Process Works
Learn how we create a successful fundraising
Book Discovery call
Initial casual call to understand your requirements, project scope, and turnaround times.
Ideal Investor Profile
We will create an ideal investor profile and list the possible 1000+ investors who you could target.
Sign NDA
Every project we take on is protected by a confidentiality agreement and agreement letter.
Outbound Campaign
We will create a multi-step, multi-channel personalised outbound campaign which will reach them at the right time, right source.
Data Collection
We'll talk about more and more details about your company, business model, market and competitors.
Qualified Meetings
We have an initial call with investors to qualify and warmup them and make sure you have the right expectations set until you get the term sheets.
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